Recent theses (Mathematics)
List of the PhD theses prepared within the Mathematics Curriculum in the last years.
(The name of the supervisor is enclosed in brackets. Most of the theses can be downloaded from PaDUA@research, the Digital Archive of the University of Padova: just click on the thesis' title).
XXXV Cycle
- Ofelia Bonesini, Four essays in between Probability Theory and Financial Mathematics
- Piero Deidda,
- Giovanni Fusco,
- Luca Mastella,
- Rita Mastroianni,
- Mattia Rossi,
- Alessandro Socionovo,
- Daniele Troletti,
- Damiano Zeffiro,
- Almendra Awerkin,
- Monica Dessole,
- Sara Galasso,
- Hicham Kouhkouh,
- Yukihide Nakada,
- Sergio Pavon,
- Francesca Tedeschi,
- Michele Zaccaron,
- Zheng Angelina
- Filippo Ambrosio,
- Syed MD Faruk,
- Daniele Garzoni,
- Marta Gatto,
- Andrea Mazzoran,
- Mariapia Moscatiello,
- Simone Passarella,
- Enrico Picari,
- Mariia Soloviova,
- Samuele Stivanello,
- Davide Barco, A topological approach to the Fourier transform of an elementary D-module (Andrea D'Agnolo)
- Federico Campanini, Weak forms of the Krull-Schmidt theorem and Prüfer rings in distinguished constructions (Alberto Facchni)
- Maria Teresa Chiri, Structural properties of solutions, approximation and control for conservation laws with discontinuous flux and bioinspired PDE models (Fabio Ancona)
- Giacomo Graziani, Modular sheaves of de Rham classes on Hilbert formal modular schemes for unramified primes (Adrian Iovita)
- Maria Giovanna Le Gros, Minimal approximations for cotorsion pairs generated by modules of projective dimension at most one over commutative rings (Silvana Bazzoni)
- Federico Venturelli, The Alexander polynomial of certain classes of non-symmetric line arrangements (Remke N. Kloosterman)
XXXI Cycle
- Roberto Bramati, Geometric integral inequalities on homogeneous spaces (Paolo Ciatti)
- Sebastiano Don, Functions of bounded variation in Carnot-Carathéodory spaces (Davide Vittone)
- Simone Giovannini, On some examples in higher Auslander-Reiten theory (Silvana Bazzoni)
- Yan Hu, Rationality of darmon points over genus fields of nonmaximal orders (Matteo Longo)
- Paolo Luzzini, Regularizing properties of the double layer heat potential and shape analysis of a periodic problem (Massimo Lanza de Cristoforis)
- Roman Pukhtaievych, Periodic and hypercomplex potentials. Properties and applications (Massimo Lanza de Cristoforis)
- Marco Tarantino, Recollements from exact model structures and heart constructions in triangulated categories (Silvana Bazzoni)
XXX Cycle
- Anna Tovo, Mathematical Modelling and Statistics of Biodiversity (Marco Favretti)
- Ferraresso Francesco, On the spectral stability of polyharmonic operators on singularly perturbed domains (Pier Domenico Lamberti)
XXIX Cycle
- Aigul Myrzagaliyeva, On pointwise multipliers in some function spaces (Massimo Lanza de Cristoforis)
- Leone Cesare Cimetta, Some properties of zeta functions associated to profinite groups (Andrea Lucchini)
- Laura Cossu, Factorizations of invertible matrices into products of elementary matrices and of singular matrices into products of idempotent matrices (Paolo Zanardo)
- Ismail Abdelsheed Gad Ameen, Fractional calculus: numerical methods and SIR models (Paolo Novati)
- Marta Zoppello, Controllability and optimization of deformable bodies in fluids: from biology to robotics (Franco Cardin)
- Luigi Provenzano, On mass distribution and concentration phenomena for linear elliptic partial differential operators (Pier Domenico Lamberti)
- Daria Ghilli, Some Results in Nonlinear PDEs: Large Deviations Problems, Nonlocal Operators, and Stability for Some Isoperimetric Problems (Martino Bardi)
- Valentina Franceschi, Sharp and Quantitative Isoperimetric Inequalities in Carnot-Carathéodory spaces (Roberto Monti)
- Zhanar Taspaganbetova, Boundedness and compactness of matrix operators in weighted spaces of sequences and their applications (Massimo Lanza de Cristoforis)
- Guhanvenkat Harikumar, Darmon cycles and the Kohnen - Shintani lifting (Matteo Longo)
- Nguyen Khanh Tung, Cyclically presented modules, automorphism-invariant modules and poor modules (Alberto Facchini)
- Francesco Mattiello , New trends in tilting theory (Riccardo Colpi)
- Genaro Hernandez Mada, Monodromy Criterion for the Good Reduction of Surfaces (Bruno Chiarellotto )
- DavideBuoso, Shape sensitivity analysis of the eigenvalues of polyharmonic operators and elliptic systems (Pier Domenico Lamberti )
- Joao Henrique Branco Meireles, Singular Perturbations and Ergodic Problems for degenerate parabolic Bellman PDEs in R^m with Unbounded Data (Martino Bardi)
- Velibor Bojkovic, Finite morphism of p-adic curves (Francesco Baldassarri)
XXVI Cycle
- Federico Bambozzi, On a generalization of affinoid varieties (Francesco Baldassarri)
- Marco Cirant, Nonlinear PDEs in ergodic control, Mean Field Games and prescribed curvature problems (Martino Bardi)
- Ly Kim Ha, On two approaches for partial differential equations in several complex variables (Giuseppe Zampieri)
- Nguyen Luong Van , On regular and singular points of the minimum time function (Giovanni Colombo)
XXV Cycle
- Dau The Phiet, Pseudoconvex domains: Diederich - Fornaess index and the invariant metrics near the boundary points (Giuseppe Zampieri)
- Martino Garonzi, Coverings of Groups by Subgroups (Andrea Lucchini)
- Alice Pavarin, Equivalences of additive categories (Silvana Bazzoni)
XXIV Cycle
- Cecilia De Zan, Some new results on reaction-diffusion equations and geometric flows (Pierpaolo Soravia)
- Daniele Fontanari, Quantum manifestations of the adiabatic chaos of perturbed superintegrable Hamiltonian systems (Francesco Fassò, Dmitrií Sadovskií)
- Nicola Girardi, Regular biproduct decompositions of objects (Alberto Facchini)
- Nurgul Kydyrmina, Operators in Sobolev Morrey spaces (Viktor Burenkov)
- Paolo Musolino, Singular perturbation and homogenization problems in a periodically perforated domain. A functional analytic approach (Massimo Lanza de Cristoforis)
- Simone Vazzoler, Semiclassical limit: coherent states, quasimodes and WKB approximation (Franco Cardin)
- Khai Tien Nguyen, The regularity of the minimum time function via nonsmooth analysis and geometric measure theory (Giovanni Colombo)
- Gabriele Fusacchia, Injective modules over semistar Noetherian domains (Luigi Salce)
- Massimiliano Patassini, On the Dirichlet polynomial of the simple groups of Lie type (Andrea Lucchini)
- Marco Perone, Direct sum decompositions and weak Krull-Schmidt Theorems (Alberto Facchini)
- Valentina Settimi, On some additive problems with primes and powers of a fixed integer (Alessandro Languasco)
- Heer Zhao, On 1-Motives with torsion and their l-ADIC realisations (Barbieri Viale)
- Saltanat Rakhimova, The oscillation properties of half-linear second order and higher order differential equations (Ryskul Oinarov, Massimo Lanza de Cristoforis)
- Lyailya Zhapsarbayeva, Regularity and approximation properties of the solutions of second order degenerate and nonlinear elliptic systems (Otelbayev Mukhtarbay, Massimo Lanza de Cristoforis)
XXII Cycle
- Alice Ciccioni, On the Bloch-Ogus formalism for the rigid syntomic cohomology (Bruno Chiarellotto)
- Valentina Colombo, Some Properties Of The Moebius Function In The Subgroup Lattice Of The Alternating And Symmetric Groups (Andrea Lucchini)
- Raffaele Marigo, Separate analyticity and holomorphic sectors (Giuseppe Zampieri)
- Ermal Feleqi, Spectral stability estimates for the eigenfunctions of second order elliptic operators (Burenkov)
- Vu Khanh Tran, A general method of weights in the d-bar-Neumann problem (Giuseppe Zampieri)
XXI Cycle
- Crestani Eleonora, Monotone 2-Groups (Federico Menegazzo)
- Andrea Pavan, Computing Arithmetic Subgroups of Affine Algebraic Groups (Federico Menegazzo)
- Marco Formentin, Two problems concerning interacting systems: 1. On the purity of the free boundary condition Potts measure on Galton-Watson trees 2. Uniform propagation of chaos in some spin-flip models (Paolo Dai Prà)
XX Cycle
- Matteo Dalla Riva, Potential theoretic methods for the analysis of singularly perturbed problems in linearized elasticity (Massimo Lanza de Cristoforis)
- Giovanni Cerulli Irelli, Structural theory of rank three cluster algebras of affine type (Alberto Tonolo)
- Paola Zizzi, From Quantum Metalanguage to the Logic of Qubits (Giovanni Sambin, Pieralberto Marchetti)
- Gabriele Terrone, Singular Perturbation and Homogenization Problems in Control Theory, Differential Games and fully nonlinear Partial Differential Equations (Martino Bardi)
- Valentina Di Proietto, On p-adic differential equations on semistable varieties (Francesco Baldassarri)