Graduate Seminar

The Graduate Seminar ("Seminario Dottorato" in Italian) started in 2006. It runs about twice per month, usually on Wednesday afternoon, except in Summer. Seminars are usually given by PhD students and PostDocs of the Department of Mathematics, but occasionally also by Senior Researchers. It is assumed that each Student of the Doctoral School will give a talk in the Seminar during his/her doctoral studies.

The Graduate Seminar is a double-aimed activity. On the one hand, speakers have the opportunity to think how to communicate their researches to a public of mathematically well-educated but not specialist people, by preserving both understandability and the flavour of a research report. On the other hand, people in the audience enjoy a rare opportunity to get an accessible-but-precise idea of what's going on in areas of mathematics that they might not know very well.

All speakers are required to prepare a short report on the the topic of their talk, which are collected in a booklet at the end of the  year.

The Graduate Student is organized by Corrado Marastoni and Tiziano Vargiolu.