Courses 2024-2025


Courses of the Doctoral Program:

  1. Proff. Luca Baracco, Olga Bernardi, The Minimal Action Principle and applications
  2. Prof. Marco Di Summa, Convex polyhedra and Their Diameter
  3. Prof. Giambattista Giacomin, Products of random matrices: theory and applications
  4. Prof. Giulio G. Giusteri, Special Functions and Applications
  5. Prof. Daniel Labardini Fragoso, Hyperbolic Geometry, Continued Fractions and Cluster Algebras
  6. Prof. Andrea Spiro, Dott.ssa Marta Zoppello, Topics of Control Theory from a Differential Geometric point of view
  7. Prof.ssa Orsola Tommasi, Introduction to Moduli Spaces

Courses of the "Mathematics" area:

  1. Dott. Gabriele Bogo, Curves in Hilbert Modular Surfaces
  2. Dott. Paolo Bonicatto, Elio Marconi, Introduction to scalar conservation laws
  3. Dott. Ludovico Bruni Bruno, Interpolation theory for differential forms
  4. Dott. Mattia Fogagnolo, Prof.ssa Valentina Franceschi, The Isoperimetric Problem: Techniques and Applications
  5. Prof. Jakob Scholbach, Intersection Theory
  6. Prof. Stefano Urbinati, Polyhedral structures in algebraic geometry

Courses of the "Computational Mathematics" area:

  1. Prof. Bernardo D’Auria, Stability of Queueing Networks
  2. Prof. Alvise Sommariva, Numerical cubature and its applications

Soft Skills:


Course in collaboration with the Doctoral School in “Information Engineering” University of Padova -